Wastewater samples from over 100 European cities reveal latest drug-taking trends

The latest findings from the largest European project in the science of wastewater analysis are released today in Wastewater analysis and drugs — a European multi-city study, published by the Europe-wide SCORE group, in association with the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA). The analysis reveals a rise in cocaine and methamphetamine detections and describes how wastewater research can now tell us more. 20.03.2023  World Water Day — Wastewater testing uncovers city drug-use habits in Europe
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EMCDDA at annual UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs

An EMCDDA delegation is attending the sixty-sixth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna this week (13-17 March), where it is providing technical support to the European Commission and the EU Member States. 13.03.2023 
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Women and drugs — need to scale up gender-sensitive services in Europe

Women make up approximately a quarter of all people with serious drug problems in Europe and around one-fifth of all entrants to drug treatment. Yet much still needs to be done to provide interventions tailored to their needs, with many drug services remaining male-oriented. 07.03.2023  Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide
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EMCDDA announces changes to its Scientific Committee line-up

The EMCDDA Scientific Committee, meeting in Lisbon this week, re-elected its Chair and Vice Chair and welcomed four new members. Chair Prof. Dr. Catherine Comiskey (Ireland) and Vice-Chair Prof. Dr. Henri Bergeron (France) will continue in their positions until the new Regulation of the agency (COM(2002)18) becomes applicable (expected in 2024). The four new members are: 03.03.2023 
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