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Taking prevention training to frontline workers across Europe

Prevention training for frontline workers is set to expand across Europe thanks to a Cooperation Agreement being signed today by the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) and HOGENT University's Research Centre for Substance Use and Psychosocial Risk Behaviours. The 10-year agreement is being signed in Ghent by EUDA Executive Director, Alexis Goosdeel, and General Director of HOGENT, Koen Goethals. The agreement centres on the roll-out of training materials developed under the EU-funded Frontline Politeia Project (January 2022–December 2023), coordinated by HOGENT. During the project, an…
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EUDA partners review progress of two technical international cooperation projects

Reviewing the progress of the EUDA's technical international cooperation projects with partners in the Western Balkans and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) area will be the focus of a consultative meeting hosted by the agency in Porto from 18–19 September 2024.   The joint Project Advisory Committee will bring together 22 representatives from 14 beneficiaries of the two projects — the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance 8 (IPA8) and EU4Monitoring Drugs II (EU4MD II) (1). Also attending will be representatives of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Neighbourhood…
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Reitox national academy on evidence-based prevention opens today in Zagreb

The Croatian national focal point and the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) are organising today the latest Reitox Academy on evidence-based prevention. The academy will cover the principles of science-based prevention, feature examples of quality prevention programmes across Europe and discuss models for improving national prevention interventions. Experts from different countries will present examples of good practice in prevention interventions in diverse settings, including: school (Estonia, Spain, Brazil); family (Estonia) and community (Croatia, Germany) (1). The event will round off…
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